Naming a business can be almost as challenging as naming a child. Okay, well maybe at least as a much loved pet! First impressions are important, and for me, I very much wanted my business name to represent not just the services offered, but also my ethos and approach to counselling.
So why Oasis? I guess we’re all familiar with the image of an island of palm trees and greenery, shimmering through a heat haze in the middle of a sandy barren desert. The word “oasis” was originally derived from the ancient Egyptian words “wahe” and “ouahe” which meant “dwelling place.” Over time, oasis came to mean “a shelter serving as a place of safety or sanctuary”.
This pretty much sums up what I believe to be the essence of a strong counselling practice - an environment outside of the hustle and bustle of everyday life, that provides a safe space to explore issues, and through this, to jointly find a pathway to resolution.
The famous French composer Claude Debussy once said that “music is the space between the notes” and for me, Oasis should be a place where contemplation is equally as important as conversation. Where there is empathy and trust, and where all interactions are open and constructive.
So, there you have it, Oasis is the name, and no matter the location or medium of meeting, my pledge is to bring an island of peace into each and every session.
Hope to see you soon!